About Us

Here, at Rosedale & Rosehill Cemetery, our mission never changes: to provide comfort in an atmosphere of peace and tranquility, one in which our families can grieve and remember their loved ones.

Convenient and Helpful

Ideally situated in the Metropolitan/New Jersey areas, we offer a wide range of both indoor and outdoor interment choices, as well as cremation services. Our well-trained staff is ready to advise and assist you every step of the way. Sometimes just knowing what to expect and how others have handled themselves in similar situations can be very helpful. Remember, there is no right or wrong when it making funeral plans.

Making a Wise Investment 

Consider also, the anguish that often occurs when funeral arrangements must be made unexpectedly, when one is in shock and grieving, can be minimized by making preparations in advance. Many loving families have already purchased their future resting places at Rosedale & Rosehill Cemetery. Great comfort can come from knowing your future is secure, and, that you’ve made a wise investment.

The Finest Care and Devoted Staff

Whatever your needs, rest reassured that you and your properties will receive the finest care and upkeep from our devoted staff. For over a century, Rosedale & Rosehill Cemetery has served the community’s needs well and we will continue this tradition in years to come.